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Sorrelli is Made for You!


You’re a loyal customer, you’ve heard of Sorrelli, or maybe this is your first introduction to Sorrelli. Regardless of your past relationship with Sorrelli, you’re here now, which is the only thing that matters! But you have questions, don’t you? You might wonder what makes us so special or unique. With this post, our goal is to inform you just a little bit more about what it is that we do.

At Sorrelli we have four core values that influence the way we work and create the incredible products meant for the Sorrelli woman. The way our products are crafted has remained the same since the beginning days of the company, when everything was made by our founder Lisa Oswald. With these core values, we aim to make everything in a way that makes it perfectly suited for you.

Unparalleled Design
Our designs are all created with careful attention to every detail in order to create the best possible products for our customers. Even the smallest of details are taken into account so you can be sure that you are getting something worthy of the price you pay for it. Every design has small decorative details throughout that may not be visible immediately but that you may notice upon closer inspection. This means that every time you wear our jewelry you may discover something you hadn’t noticed before! This attention to every single detail going into our jewelry is what makes us stand out from our competitors.

With all Sorrelli women in mind, our jewelry is made to be adjustable in order to fit all shapes and sizes.  We also create pieces that suit a variety of different styles. We make sure that these different styles are accessible to every woman so that no matter what it is that you fall in love with, you will know that particular piece has been made with you in mind.

Quality Craftsmanship
Every Sorrelli product is made with the standard to last a lifetime. Created with genuine brass, all of our jewelry comes with a lifetime guarantee. Unlike most other jewelry companies who use zinc or tin, Sorrelli prides itself on using brass, which has a long life and tends to age beautifully. Zinc and tin are known to damage more easily and they are also not able to be repaired. By using brass, Sorrelli ensures your jewelry will last a lifetime!

In order to ensure our lifetime guarantee, Sorrelli’s jewelry is completely handcrafted and link-soldered. What, exactly does that mean?  Link-soldering promises that our jewelry will far outlast the normal wear and tear that most customers expect. Not only does the process ensure the safety of our jewelry but our handset prongs, which hold the beautiful crystals and semi-precious stones, ensure a more sophisticated look that is essential to the Sorrelli woman.


Swarovski Crystals and More!
Unlike many other companies, all of our crystals are cut glass, instead of pressed, which provides the crystals with more brilliance and sparkle than others. We take it upon ourselves to make the most exquisite product available for all of our customers. We hand-select the quality of the crystals as well as the coatings and special features. It is our goal to provide a beautiful and iridescent look that will keep our customers happy and satisfied for a lifetime.

Since semi-precious stones tend to have a wide variation of color, Sorrelli has taken advantage of these stones. Every piece will differ from the next due to the variation in stone, but that’s what makes Sorrelli so unique. The piece that you own will be different than the next so no two people have the exact same design. This is an expected and treasured aspect of our jewelry.


Handcrafted For You
From start to finish, our pieces are completely crafted by hand. From our design studio to our final production facility, every piece is handcrafted. Many companies use casting as their way of crafting jewelry which means that repairs are not an option because the metal is too soft. Crafting our pieces by hand ensures we are able to do repairs. And because of our pieces being handcrafted, we are able to fix or re-design decades-old pieces. This means that if you have an older product that needs to be repaired but the material is unavailable, one of our skilled artisans will work to find a material that is similar or we can personally re-design the item specifically for you.

Sorrelli also ensures that every piece is made especially for our customer. Instead of discontinuing a style immediately after a collection, we take our best-sellers into the next season with us. We allow our customers to have a vote in deciding what designs will come back based on what they purchase.


These core values that we here at Sorrelli work to follow are the prime influencer in how our company runs. Our focus has always and will always remain on doing what is best for our customers. We work for you, the Sorrelli Woman.  So, go ahead – live a life layered in sparkle and know that we’ll continue doing the same for years to come!


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